Saturday, December 09, 2006


Who are you?
You and I, do we have a 'we' in it
Is there really a bend in the road ahead?
If the journey is uphill
or a walk in the golden beach
will I have to call for you
to wait for me to catch up,
Or will I find you beside me
will you see my blue eyes
and be held in it
or see a vacant mind beneath
and walk in to own a place?
Are you too apprehensive?
About sharing your life
With a faceless stranger
Do you too beleive?
A relationship is a lifetime commitment
Not a social obligation
What do you want to see?
These fading looks?
or that striking intution
Which would tell
we could grow old together
I dont know you
But I would give it an open chance
for its chance that life is all about

To all of you walking through the transition period; have faith....


Blogger Sujit said...

very nice.. with some open questions to think..!... chance and choice are the things that matters where are now.. and what we would like to be..!hope things are moving in the right direction :)..! all the best

12:50 PM  
Blogger divi said...

Thanks, When trudging through a strange path luck is all you need,I guess

12:55 AM  
Blogger Sujit said...

hmm not just luck.. i think.. its attitude.. if you think that eberything happening for a good.. and a way to learn as you unfold the mistery..!.. then you would fly hi.. otherwise you will run down the valley..

8:25 AM  
Blogger CAR said...

hmm err.. what transition are you talking about?

10:47 AM  
Blogger divi said...

What did u think? oops, I guess I scribbled nonsense!!!!!anyways, it was the after effect of an hour and a half video conversation with Parents....

2:37 PM  

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