Friday, March 24, 2006

Amazing home....

here's divya blogging again...
you never know how things change in life....
my new job was delayed by a couple of months and that turbulent 15minutes after speaking to Philips medical Systems saw me and nirupama block our tickets to HOME... India after one and a half years...
And off we were in 20 days...
And here I'm at my home system..... blogging in my virtual world.....
I shopped like a maniac.. hopped flights like crazy... sat on atleast 15 hot seats infront of relatives....last month would anyday be regarded as one of the best in life.....
I had bhelpuri at the roadside.... lemonade and mangoes... mom's food.... happy faces...a swim in the river... lots of choclates... and those special phone calls from friends half a world across...
too busy but had to blog to keep a record of the happy days.....
By the way strangely enough... I did miss my room initially...But... trust me... home is home and you never know til you are in...


Blogger Pratap said...

Mangoes??? I envy you.

10:00 AM  
Blogger divi said...

we've a mango tree next to ur kitchen window....with lots of mangoes....;}

9:28 AM  
Blogger CAR said...

Divya! Finally, I thought you left the blog world for good. Thanks for your comment on my post. I am glad you are having fun in India. It really is a myraid of small heavenly blessing. Enjoy the mangoes!

2:34 AM  
Blogger divi said...

Dushyant,I really didn't quit my virtual world... I was too much busy to have some real time for writing....

9:30 AM  

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